- Where’s My Jetpack by Radio Free Babylon
- Waltz in the Moonlight by Tryad
- 🎃 Halloween Lofi Beats 🎃 by lofi geek
- Dies Irae beat by crowz

#IWD: Stepford Daughters (Johanna Isaacson on horror feminism)
For an unusual International Women’s Day episode, Ani’s chatting to
guest Johanna Isaacson about horror feminism. We’re particularly drawing
on her recent book Stepford Daughters: Weapons for Feminists in Contemporary Horror (2022). You can find more of Jo’s work for free at Blindfield Journal, and she runs the Facebook page Anti-capitalist feminists who love horror films.
Crowdfunding page for queer horror short Illuminati Castrati at boosted.org.nz/projects/queer-horror-short.
Edited by PodCraft.ph’s Zarah Meneses. Cover image features screenshots from The Babadook (2014), Assassination Nation (2018), Get Out (2017).
Music-free version here.
Intro and outro samples from Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957).